Tour de l’Ardève

Explore the Creuse path, a veritable balcony offering magnificent views over the Ardève. The route then takes you up this hill, which looks like a mountain. Although steep at times, the path rises through a forest of conifers. Halfway up, a handrail makes it easier to cross a rocky bar. Follow the ridge to the summit for a magnificent panoramic view of the Rhône valley. Return via Les Mayens de Chamoson. Head back down the forest road that winds along the wooded slopes of the mountain towards Les Mayens de l'Ardève. Then cross the Mayens de Chamoson to rejoin the Creuse path that leads to Ovronnaz .

If you prefer an easier, less steep alternative : Take the route via Les Mayens de Chamoson only, which avoids the crossing with the handrail.




3h30 (sans pause)



10.7 km


Moyenne / T2 (petit passage T3*)

*Itinéraire de montagne avec un court passage de mains courantes en fer pour assurer votre sécurité



+612 m / -612 m


Altitude min

1066 m


Altitude max

1487 m

Point de départ

Office du tourisme d’Ovronnaz

Point d'arrivée

Office du tourisme d’Ovronnaz


Mai-Octobre selon la fonte des neiges

Did you know ?

The rock face of the Ardève overlooks the Rhône plain from an impressive height of almost 800 metres.

For fans of the Earth sciences, the Ardève offers an exceptional opportunity to decipher the geological evolution of the Alps. Its geological history can be explored through three distinct aspects: the formation of rocks, their deformation and their erosion over time.

The southern end of the Ardève is a veritable perched observatory, offering an incomparable panorama stretching from Martigny to Leuk.

While the southern and south-western flanks are arid, the northern and north-eastern slopes of this imposing mountain are covered in forest vegetation.